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- April 22, 2019
April 22, 2019

UMMC staff receive service recognition
Medical Center leadership is proud to acknowledge those employees who will celebrate service anniversaries during the week of April 22-28.
15 Years
Holly Walker, nurse practitioner, School of Medicine (Infectious Diseases)
10 Years
Leigh Brister, nurse anesthetist, School of Medicine (Anesthesiology)
Kathy Harvey Fitch, nurse anesthetist, School of Medicine (Anesthesiology)
Sherry Jones, case manager nurse, University Hospital (Coordinated Care)
Angela Risher, nurse educator, CCH (Surgical Intensive Care Unit)
Edward Tonos, physical therapist, University Hospital (Physical Therapy)
Rebecca Walker, dietitian, Children’s Hospital (Dietitians)
Stacy Wilson, medical office assistant, HOPD Cancer Clinic
5 Years
Naveed Aminkhan, intermediate Epic application coordinator/analyst, Information Systems
Hazel Chunn, patient services coordinator, Orthopaedics
Dr. Christopher R. DeGroat, house officer, School of Medicine (Cardiology)
Jessica Diamond, nurse anesthetist, School of Medicine (Anesthesiology)
Joseph Hudson, inpatient nurse, University Hospital (4 North)
Catherine Jacobs, senior business systems application coordinator/analyst, Information Systems
Keisha Luckey, nurse, University Hospital (Sickle Cell Treatment Center)
Russell Lyon, medical technologist, Clinical Lab (Nursery)
Devan Simmons, anesthesia technician, School of Medicine (Anesthesiology)
Erica Thompson, multicultural affairs tutor, Health Careers Opportunity
Lesa Wise, ambulatory operations director, University Physicians (Internal Medicine-Cardiology Administration)